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A magazine for the ears!

DJ4aDay is a half termly primary class project, written and delivered by Singergise Ltd Director Susie Webb (BMus Hons) culminating on the final session, with a 2 hour show, written, produced and delivered by the students, to be broadcast live on Singergise Radio.

 Each week, (starting on week 2 of the project) the school will be producing a 30 min 'show' during the session. This will allow the children to gain confidence learning about microphone technique, vocal delivery, presentation, improvisation and how to use the software/ hardware.    

This time can be used to showcase work that the children have produced, including biographies, short stories, jokes, school merits, jingles & songs etc. These shows are recorded for the school each week to be used for the Class Dojo/ Twitter/ website etc.

The final show will be produced, directed and delivered by the students incorporating an understanding of broadcasting software, music software, virtual DJ decks, budgets, timings, script writing, biography writing and the history of radio. Resources will be provided and can be adapted according to what theme/topic the class are currently working on.

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Mr Watkins quote DJ4aDay.jpg
Mrs Cook - St David's CiW Primary School (1).jpg
Milton Review jpej.jpg
Mrs Rogers testimony .jpg
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Mount Pleasant review .jpg
Mrs Foster - St David's CiW review.jpg
Mrs Singh review.jpg
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St Mary's Ms Tuck review DJ4aDay.jpg

Copyright Singergise 2021

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